Moving Server locations
We are in progress of moving to a new server.
No significant changes to service other than the control panel will now be at and
Mail will now be located at
29第 一月 2024
Doing a hardware upgrade over the next few days
Disruption to services should be minimal but we are notifying any way just in case there is a prolonged outage.
Thank you for your patience during this time.
14第 六月 2023
Change to structuring of Server Names
Due to some expansion we will be changing names of our servers will now be migrated to to reflect its location in Australia(au). You may recieve an email informing you of the change in the next few days
1街 十一月 2021
Temporary Planned outage of
Just a temporary access outage for, nothing to be alarmed all websites will still work.
31街 十月 2021